90 % terminé

Étape 4 : Télécharger

Download the 64-bit version of the software if you have a 64-bit operating system (most users). Download the 32-bit version if you have a 32-bit operating system. Not sure which one you have? Follow the steps in our chart below.

Operating system How to know if you have the 32 or 64-bit version
Windows® 10 In the Start menu, type This PC into the Windows search bar, but don’t hit enter. Right click on the This PC option that displays, then select Properties and your type of operating system will be displayed onscreen.
Windows® 8 Move your mouse to the upper right side of the screen and click on the search tool that appears. Type Computer into the search field, then right click on it and select Properties. Your type of operating system will be displayed onscreen.
Windows® 7 or older In the Start menu, right click on Computer, then select Properties and your type of operating system will be displayed onscreen.

If you see anything other than 64-bit, download the 32-bit version of the software.

Storage Executive est le moyen de gérer facilement votre SSD. Vous pouvez vous en servir pour savoir quel est le volume de stockage utilisé, surveiller la température de votre lecteur, autoriser le cryptage et activer la fonction Momentum Cache, qui permet d’exécuter de nombreuses opérations avec le SSD jusqu’à 10 fois plus vite.


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